Friday, November 21, 2014

Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving Day
Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday celebrated primarily in the United States and Canada as a day of giving thanks for the blessing of the harvest and of the preceding year. Several other places around the world observe similar celebrations. It is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States and on the second Monday of October in Canada. Thanksgiving has its historical roots in religious and cultural traditions, and has long been celebrated in a secular manner as well. There is always a tradition the day after thanksgiving. It’s called Black Friday where you literally shop till you drop. Prayers of thanks and special thanksgiving ceremonies are common among almost all religions after harvests and at other times


The twelve top things I am extremely thankful for is:

1.     My mother’s health and wellbeing.
2.      My younger brother.
3.      My soon-to-be baby sister.
4.      My friends.
5.      My new own room.
6.      My own bed.
7.      My health.
8.      My cheer coaches and cheer mates.
9.      WiFi
10.  The invention of Ramune Soda.
11.  Gummy candy.

12.  Last but not least, Kanye West.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Video Responses

The video clip our teacher has presented us today was inspirational. It was a young man, not much older than I am, who had a disability but a great passion for basketball. During the last game of the season, he was put play. Little did he know, his coach had everything set up for him. Although Mitchell, the boy with the disability, missed all his shots, the last one was unforgettable for himself and his family and his teammates. One of the opponents has passed him the ball in one of the few minutes they had left in th quarter. Mitchell caught the ball and shot it right perfectly into the hoop leading up to a victory for his school. This was an amazing act of kindness and the opponent that tossed Mitchell the ball was showing an example of sportsmanship. Everyone should be like this, And learn from this. A little act of kindness can go a long way.

Student Success Statement #22

Student Success Statement

“Kindness is the essence of greatness.”

-          Joseph B. Wirthlin


I think what Wirthlin is trying to say is that performing an act of kindness will actually get you somewhere in life. People will want to be around you more often. People will look up to you and give you trust because you’re so kind. Kind people will always get far in life. 

Monday, November 17, 2014

Student Success Statement #21

Student Success Statement

“If it is not right do not do it; if it is not true do not say it.”

-          Marcus Aurelius


What this statement is trying to say, is not to say or give out or do false statements. For it is actually a waste of time and it will not help you out for anything. Do not tell a lie and do not do an action that will lead you to consequences you are not ready to face nor are ready to serve. Marcus Aurelius was very well spoken about this statement and I do agree with him. 

Dental Assistant

Dental Assistant

Duties and Responsibilities:

Dental assistants have many tasks, ranging from providing patient care and taking x rays to record keeping and scheduling appointments. Their duties vary by state and by the dentists’ offices where they work




High school students interested in a career as a dental assistant should take courses in biology, chemistry, and anatomy. Some states require assistants to graduate from an accredited program and pass a state exam. Most programs are offered by community colleges, take about 1 year to complete, and lead to a certificate or diploma.


No I would not like to become a dental assistant because I hate being near the mouth and the dentist in general and it’s disgusting and so unsanitary. No thank you! Besides I don’t like working on filing papers it bugs me3 and bores me and I don’t want to do that for the rest of my life.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Student Success Statement #20

Student Success Statement

“It may make a difference to all eternity whether we do right or wrong today.”

-          James Freeman Clark


Everything counts from exactly this moment until the future. You have top right to choose the right thing to do or the wrong.  Really in the future everything depends from right now. Whether you start on your homework or  you start new friendships or you give up entirely on everything. There are so many paths to choose from it’s really all up to you.

Dental Lab Technician

Dental Lab Technician

Duties and Responsibilities:

Dental and ophthalmic laboratory technicians and medical appliance technicians typically do the following:
·         Follow detailed work orders and prescriptions
·         Decide which materials and tools will be needed
·         Bend, form, and shape fabric or material
·         Use hand or power tools to polish and shape the devices
·         Adjust devices to allow for a more natural look or to improve function
·         Inspect the final product for quality and accuracy
·         Repair appliances that may be cracked or damaged




There are no formal educational requirements to become a dental or ophthalmic laboratory technician or medical appliance technician. Most technicians have at least a high school diploma. Some community colleges and technical or vocational schools have formal education programs.


I wouldn’t like to become this profession because I hate being anywhere around or near the mouth. I don’t really have a steady hand and I don’t think I would like to do this. I hate the mouth so much and it smells and I have a strong sense of smell.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Chicken or Eagle?

Chicken or Eagle?

“If you hang out with chickens, you’re going to cluck, and if you hang out with eagles, you’re going to fly.”

-          Steve Maraboli, Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience

Student Success Statement #19

Student Success Statement

“He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.”

-          Proverbs 13:20


I think what this statement is claiming is that if you hang out with the wrong crowd you are automatically considered a fool to yourself and to your community. However, if you are a wise person, you will be surrounded by people who choose the right and if you choose the right you will fulfill your certain needs and that’s why it’s always good to be choosing the right and never the wrong.